Android Studio Installation on Linux

Android Studio is the official integrated development environment for Google’s Android operating system.

Manish Chaubey
3 min readJul 15, 2018

There may be different ways of installing android studio on Linux, I have mentioned here a convenient way on basis of my level of understanding.

Image source by Rub Bulmahn

Prerequisite:- Before going to install android studio please make sure you have installed java and gradle on your system. if not check link below…

Step 0.1 : Please Click here for JAVA Installation

Step 0.2 : Gradle Installation on Linux

>>>gradle installation by command line
$ sudo apt-get install gradle
>>>gradle installation if you have archive file(Manual) and path setup.
$ download gradle file from
$ sudo mkdir /otp/gradle/
$ sudo mv ~/Downloads/ /opt/gradle/
$ sudo unzip /opt/gradle/
# setting path of gradle in /.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gradle/gradle-3.4.1/bin

Step 1: Download Android Studio from following link click here

Step 2: Extract downloaded file to your home directory for me it’s /home/swastik/, after extraction complete there will be a new folder android-studio.

Structure of android-studio folder and bin folder

Step 3: Create a desktop file androidstudio.desktop by instruction below:

$ nano ~/.local/share/applications/androidstudio.desktop#Then Copy the following line as follows[Desktop Entry]Version=3.0Type=ApplicationName=Android StudioExec=/home/swastik/android-studio/bin/ %fIcon=/home/swastik/android-studio/bin/studio.pngCategories=Development;IDE;Terminal=falseStartupNotify=trueStartupWMClass=android-studio
NOTE: "/home/swastik/" may change with your home directory or path where you extract the android studio zip file.
androidstudio.desktop file content

Step 4: Downloading Sdk for Android:-

SDK (Software Development Kit) is super set of all environment, utility and tools( emulator, tools, platform-tools etc) essential for building and running of a Android project on any android device.

Note:- Start android Studio and go through as follows.

If you have no SDK available
If you have already Available Android SDK.
Android Studio Installation
Downloading Dependencies
Android Studio Template
Chose Standard or custom for own selection
UI of Android Studio setup:- for me it’s Darcula
SDK Component Setup
Download details of SDK Component.
Download Status of SDK Component
You may later customize and update SDK by SDK Manager.

Step 5: SDK Class path setup:-

Set class path of your SDK folder, I hvave my SDK in home folder as /home/swastik/Android/Sdk.

Folder Structure of /Android/Sdk/
>>>Android Studio Path Setupexport ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Android/Sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator
>>>after all Error occur Failed to load native library '' for Linux i386 (Solution is update gradle)

Note:- License Agreement of Android SDK it’s only if there is issue of license.

./Android/Sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager –licenses

Thank You



Manish Chaubey
Manish Chaubey

Written by Manish Chaubey

Founder KCSS Infotech, Crafting my journey of learning through writing :)

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